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Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School provides a quality Catholic education in the parish, family setting for children in transitional-kindergarten through eighth grade. The challenging and relevant curriculum follows the academic standards adopted by the Diocese of Sacramento Catholic Schools Department. In addition, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School uses academic curriculum to elevate students in accomplishing the School wide Learning Expectations (SLEs), which emphasize lifelong learning skills.

In keeping with the mission of the school, the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church are weaved throughout all subjects.

Each year, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School (OLL) publishes academic achievement scores in comparison to neighboring public schools in the Annual Report Card . OLL students take STAR Math and STAR Reading Assessments from Renaissance Learning, whereas California public school students are required to take the Smarter Balanced exam under the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system. The comparison of these separate tests is made possible by the application of psychometric equivalencies, which standardize the criteria used to evaluate and score these different academic assessments. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, neither OLL nor California public schools will have data for a Spring 2020 comparison.

The data has shown OLL to outperform the local public schools year over year. Not only is OLL consistently scoring higher than its neighbors, but often by two to three times! The pattern of higher scores proves OLL has created an environment of high student achievement not dependent on the grade level, teacher, or subject. This trend sets students up for success with strong academic performance in high school and beyond.